The theory of Clairvoyance…

Maybe just a prelude to ‘Spiritus Mundi’… We’ll see… How do I explain this… Okay.. So, simply put, ii have a theory that we have an ‘electromagnetic’ field/area of telepathy or common thought… Have you ever had a song stuck in your head and someone else starts to sing it, feel like you’re being watched, […]

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I think that after a while of experimentation I can come to a… Comprehensive conclusion..? Recently, I’ve been intrigued by the human face… Not really superficially (well… Kind of) but really more of the perceptive psychology… I have a theory that we are not inclined to see a face or perceive it but to actually […]

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…Grxwing p∆¡ns…

Your mind is without knowledge but only with previously deluded perceptions taught to you… The only ‘truth’ or pure knowledge that will govern your life and your embrace is your imagination… What you imagine or are enlightened to will be the only things that your life and will are determined by… To rely solely on […]

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…The Tree of kNxLedge…

As humans, we know we know… But do we really… I’ve lately been intrigued by the concept of the tree of knowledge. Its a curious thing, not so..? For those unaware, the tree of knowledge is the most ancient and dangerous natural inhabitant of Earth. Adam and Eve who were, by some religions, the first […]

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…Cle∆R Consh¡us…

I’ve been living for almost 16 years and I’ve realised that the collection of knowledge and intellect, whether inherent, passive or acquired, cannot ever be duplicated or mimicked… My mind and in all its entirety has experienced that which most people have never seen of, heard of, thought of or even imagined but that sentiment […]

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